by Mariana | Jul 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
Flamenco Marina, estrechando lazos de amistad, firma un acuerdo de promoción del turismo náutico de Panamá con El Yacht Club Peruano La Punta Callao. Con esta nueva alianza Panamá abre sus puertas para naves que nos visitan desde Perú ofreciéndole la mejor experiencia...
by Mariana | Feb 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
Flamenco Marina, a la entrada del Pacifico Panameño, recibe hoy con orgullo a 1,000 pasajeros del Crucero Emerald Princess. Somos un destino turístico de referencia y puerto de entrada a nuestro país, con todas las medidas de seguridad requeridas por la Organización...
by Mariana | Oct 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
Flamenco Marina is the point of visit for yachts, cruises and mega yachts thanks to the wide range of benefits that can be found in our facilities, promoting maritime travel and the development of tourism in Panama. We leave you a summary of our ...
by Mariana | Sep 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
For the 3rd consecutive year we are ready for the best sport fishing tournament in all of Panama with locations in Flamenco Marina, Isla Flamenco, Calzada de Amador. SAVE THE DATE: November 19-20. Prepare your team and live the experience of an excellent award, ...
by Mariana | Sep 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
As of September 27, no more curfew. All incoming visitors who arrive in Panama through the international airport (Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen / PTY) will be able to access the national territory if they have a complete vaccination card ...